eject water iphone speakers

6 Ways to Eject Water from Phone Speakers 

Have you ever accidentally dropped your smartphone in the water or got caught in the rain?

If so, you may have noticed that the sound from your phone’s speakers became muffled or distorted afterward. Water can easily get trapped in the small speaker grills, causing audio issues. But don’t panic! There are several ways to eject water from phone speakers and restore clear sound quality.

Acting quickly is vital when dealing with a wet phone. The more prolonged moisture in the delicate speaker components, the higher the risk of corrosion and permanent damage. Luckily, ejecting the water promptly can prevent most liquid exposure problems.

Here are 6 effective methods to remove water from your phone’s speakers:

1. Play a Bass-Heavy Sound

Another way to vibrate out speaker water is by playing a shallow frequency, bass-heavy sound at high volume. The powerful air movement can help dislodge stubborn moisture.

We recommend using the unique water eject tones at iFixMySpeakers.com. These sounds are specifically designed to efficiently remove liquid without damaging the speakers. Just be careful not to play them for too long. About 15-30 seconds at a time should do the trick.

eject water iphone speakers

2. Use a Water Eject Shortcut

Some smartphones, particularly iPhone models, have a handy built-in feature to eject liquid from the speakers. The “Water Eject” shortcut uses the phone’s vibration motor to expel moisture. Here’s how to use it:

  • Open the Shortcuts app
  • Tap “Water Eject”
  • Place the phone speaker-side down on a soft cloth
  • Tap “Begin Water Ejection” and let it run for about 15 seconds

The vibration should shake out any trapped water droplets. You can repeat it a couple of times if needed to remove water from iPhone speakers.

3. Gently Tap the Phone

Try gently tapping the back of the phone while holding it with the speakers facing down for a quick physical method. The light percussion can loosen water stuck in the speaker grills.

You can also combine this with playing an eject sound for better results. Gravity will help any displaced droplets drain out. Just be careful not to tap too hard and damage any components!

4. Use a Soft Brush

Is the water being extra stubborn? Try carefully brushing the speaker grills with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Work the bristles gently across the mesh to coax out hidden moisture.

Make sure the brush is arid and clean first. Afterward, dab the area with a microfiber cloth to absorb any loosened liquid. Don’t push too hard or use stiff brushes that could damage the delicate speaker parts.

If can try this method to eject water from Apple Watch if it also becomes the victim.

5. Try Canned Air to Eject Water

A quick puff of compressed air can help blow out water from the nooks and crannies of your phone’s speakers. Hold a can of air duster a few inches from the speaker and spray in short, controlled bursts.

The focused blast of air should force out any droplets clinging inside. Be careful not to hold the can too close, as the intense pressure could harm the speakers. Wipe away any expelled moisture with a soft cloth.

This method does work well to eject water from AirPods.

6. Let It Air Dry

If the above methods don’t completely clear the water, your last resort is letting the phone air dry completely. Sometimes, a bit of patience is the best solution!

Place your phone speaker-side down, in front of a fan, or a dry area with good airflow. Leave it for at least 2-3 hours, or overnight, to allow any leftover liquid to evaporate. Avoid putting it in rice, which is ineffective and can introduce dust and debris into the ports.

While your phone dries, refrain from plugging anything into the ports or pressing any buttons, as there may still be errant moisture inside. Once fully dry, test the speakers again. If sound issues persist, there may be residual corrosion or damage, so have it checked out by a professional.

Ejecting water from phone speakers quickly is crucial for preventing long-term damage. Combining the above vibration, air, and gravity methods should clear most liquid exposure. Remember to dry your device afterward and avoid risky home remedies entirely. With proper care, your phone’s speakers will keep sounding great for years!